Why we created the CP Smile Project
Kids with cerebral palsy are just like all other kids – they want to play, explore and have fun with friends. Playing is how children learn to interact with their environment, develop physical skills and strength, expand their imagination and build friendships.
Play is not a luxury for kids - it is their “work”.
It is indeed the essence of childhood.
The importance of play in a child’s life can’t be over-emphasized. We know that to participate and have fun, children with cerebral palsy often need specialized equipment or other support to facilitate their participation. Unfortunately, there is little financial support provided to children with cerebral palsy to create recreational opportunities and support their ability to engage in play. That’s why we have created the CP Smile Project - to support kids with cerebral palsy to have fun and enjoy just being a kid.
The CP Smile Project is a community project.
By spreading the message of the importance of play and recreational activities for children living with cerebral palsy, our community will generate funding to provide bursaries to children living with cerebral palsy to support their ability to engage in play and have fun.