Privacy Policy

We are committed to providing you with a safe and secure shopping experience. We take several measures to protect your personal and financial details:

Secure Socket Layering (SSL)
The SSL technology on our secure servers encrypts your personal information, including credit or debit card number, name and address before transmitting it over the Internet. To make sure you are accessing our secure server before you submit personal financial information, look at the URL or Location line of your browser. If you have accessed a secure server, the first characters of the address in that line should change from "http" to "https", the address bar should also appear green in colour.  

If for any reason you cannot access the secure server, or if you're not quite comfortable shopping online at any of our websites, please feel free to place your order with us by telephone at (403) 467-1561.

Our SSL certificates are provided by

PCI Compliance
All of your card payments go through our card processor Stripe, who are PCI Level 1 service provider. Your card details are submitted directly to Stripe who store them securely, at no point do we hold or see your card details. If you would like to know more about stripe and their PCI compliance, please visit

Fraud Protection
We take certain measures to detect and prevent fraud. As part of these measures, we may call you to verify your order details and identity.

How do I contact you?

By Email:

By Phone:
(403) 467-1561