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Chewy Tubes

Knobby Qs™ Red

Knobby Qs™ Red

Regular price $15.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 CAD
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The Knobby Q’s offer an oral exercise for practicing biting and chewing skills!  Knobby Q’s are made of the same FDA compliant material as all the Chewy Tubes products.  They offer a safe, non-toxic durable surface for biting and chewing activities.  In addition, they are lead free and latex free,  and do not contain PVC or phthalates. Two fun bitable letters, strong and solid for practicing biting and chewing skills. Q’s are solid rather than tubular and offer a firm surface for biting.  

Baby teether with knobby texture for practicing early biting skills - 4 months to 2 years

Babies enjoy exploring the little stem on the Q with their tongue.  At about 6 months when lateral biting begins to develop, the child will swing that little stem over to the side of the jaw for more intense biting.

For larger jaws, the circle portion of the Q offers a firm bitable surface for bilateral jaw closure activities.

Q's make fun squeaky sounds that babies love and are recommended by Speech Pathologists and Pediatric Dentists for healthy mouth development. 

Knobby Q's are free of latex, lead, BPA, PVC, and phthalates. All material is FDA compliant. 

-For sensory stimulation
-Develops biting skills safely and naturally!
-Encourages graded jaw motion for feeding and speech skills
-Arm of P encourages back molar chewing
-Stem of Q encourages back molar chewing
-Leaves mouth open for breathing and sound play

Wash with mild soap and water. Replace when signs of wear are visible. 

*Requires adult supervision for children under 3.

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