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ellie & emmett

Pink Trees Infant Support Pillow

Pink Trees Infant Support Pillow

Regular price $13.00 CAD
Regular price $19.90 CAD Sale price $13.00 CAD
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Designed by a mom of 4, who is also a health professional, our “one size fits all” pillow is comfortable and functional for newborn babes to preschoolers, and endorsed by parents and health professionals alike for supervised use. Using the pillow for proper positioning of the head, neck and spine helps babe continue sensorimotor development in the 4th trimester and beyond. 

Use of the Ellie & Emmett positional support pillow can help decrease the risk, and can aide in the treatment of "flat head syndrome" (plagiocephaly) and Torticollis (tight neck muscles) in infants. 

The pillow replaces rolled blankets or towels often recommended for positioning support, but stays in place and doesn't unravel. 

Positioning support can help prevent and/or treat flat spot (plagiocephaly). Plagiocephaly has historically been considered a cosmetic concern but can have long term effects - such as asymmetry of facial features and discomfort wearing protective head equipment.

The pillow can also help babies with reflux and colic rest easier, and provide much-needed support to children with low muscle tone. 

How to use your Ellie & Emmett Pillow:

Newborn - Rolling

  • For both head & body support

  • Swing, Bouncy chair

  • Bassinet, Loungers (awake)

  • Car seat/bassinet on your stroller

  • Side lying - great for play time to get babe off the back of their head

Children with Medical needs requiring positioning support
previously listed uses &

  • High chairs for feeding support

  • Wheelchairs

  • Other specialized supportive seating and standing devices

  • Spica Casts - leg & body positioning 

IMPORTANT: Car seat manufacturers make recommendations regarding use of "aftermarket products", refer to your car seat manual(s) before using in a moving vehicle. Our positional support pillow is NOT a medical device. Please consult with your qualified medical professional with your specific questions. Our pillow is NOT intended for use in cribs or other sleeping areas. Always use under the direct supervision of a responsible caregiver.

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